How To Wear Braces To Prom

If you are nearing the end of your senior year of high school, you are probably excited at the thought of prom. Pictures of yourself in that tuxedo or dress flood your imagination. It is a once in a lifetime event where you get to celebrate with classmates and friends. But then your excitement suddenly turns to worry: you have braces! That’s bad enough to ruin your special day. Or is it?

Your braces might have been recently put on, or you might have had them for a while. Whatever the case, they don’t have to shatter your dream for a memorable prom.

For the ladies, here are the awaited beauty tips. Included in this video are some suggestions on makeup products to make you feel like a princess

Here Are 5 tips to help you go to prom with braces:

  • Embrace your braces. Smile as you normally would and don’t let them suck the joy from your night. You might feel a little self-conscious and that’s okay. But, the truth of the matter is that the people around you could care less about your braces. They are here to have a good time, and probably want you to do the same. Smile and laugh freely.
  • To give yourself some options, take two prom photos. In one pose, smile naturally with your teeth showing. In the other, keep your mouth closed. If you do not feel comfortable with your braces, you can just pick the one with your teeth hidden.
  • To lessen the appearance of  your braces, carefully select the color of your orthodontic ties. Try to match them with the color of your outfit. By so doing, you show that you’re not bothered by your braces and have accepted them. It makes you give off an aura of confidence, which is attractive.
  • It’s possible for food to lodge in your braces and this can be awkward. To avoid this, bring a travel toothbrush, mini dental floss, and compact mirror and clean your teeth after eating any appetizers or dinner.

With the right approach, braces can be the least of your worries on your prom night.

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